PinnedWhat we are up againstExposing the secret history of the making of the climate crisis should change everything about how we act to stop it.Jun 17, 202439Jun 17, 202439
PinnedHumanity in the patchwork of lifeThis story is on borrowed time. Maybe you can borrow it, and make it part of yours too.Jun 21, 20228Jun 21, 20228
A few points for the leftA few thoughts as the flames of fascism rise up all around, consuming people and planet.Feb 113Feb 113
Ce à quoi nous faisons faceExposer au grand jour l’histoire secrète de l’élaboration de la crise climatique devrait tout changer quant à la manière dont nous agissonsDec 31, 20241Dec 31, 20241
¿Contra qué nos enfrentamos?Exponer la historia secreta de cómo se gestó la crisis climática debe cambiar todo sobre cómo actuamos para detenerla.Aug 8, 2024Aug 8, 2024
The Ordinary WorldHow do we write during a genocide? Any words and actions that fall short of stopping the bombs, feeding the children and rebuilding a safe…Mar 17, 2024Mar 17, 2024
From ashes of failureIn science, failure is not failing at our job: arguably, failure is our job. We make mistakes, and learn from them. We have rules about our…Dec 29, 20235Dec 29, 20235
Things that no longer comfort meMake the struggle for life itself the thing that brings you comfort, because that’s all we have now.Jun 5, 202213Jun 5, 202213
Un jeune désespoirAujourd’hui, j‘ai donné une conférence sur le climat dans mon ancienne école secondaire à Genève — et j’ai reçu un cours magistral sur nos…May 11, 20224May 11, 20224
The kids are not okToday I went to give a climate talk at my old high school in Geneva — and was given a masterclass in our failings. This is the story of a…May 10, 2022145May 10, 2022145